Meet Author Rick Carter-Squire

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our brother Author Rick Carter-Squire to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my brother:-).  Are you ready?

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author? 

RCS: Well, I didn’t have any motivation to write when I was growing up. I read, passionately, everything I could. One day, about 30 years ago, I read the most awful book and decided that if that writer could make money, then so could I. Four months later, I finished the book. What I didn’t understand, but I’ve learned since, is that finishing the first draft is the easy part. That manuscript sat in my desk for the next 20 years. After completing another book in 2012 called; “Jack, I Am”, the other book came out and I edited and updated. “Reality Shift” is my most successful novel.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

RCS: I’m mainly self-publish, but two of my books; “An Altered Course” and “Dirty Old Man” are published through Lavish Publishing, but that’s an issue for another time. I will say that anyone looking for a publisher should do as much research as they can before signing a contract and DEFINITELY stay away from a publisher that wants you to pay for them to publish your book.

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

RCS: No, I think that if my own name isn’t good enough or that I’m embarrassed to print something, then it isn’t what I believe in. I’m proud of my work, it took a lot of effort to write and if my name is holding people back from buying my books then it is their problem. Besides, Bob Smith was taken.

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

RCS: I have a passion for thrillers. There is always a blend of the other genres in every writer’s books, but I try to stay true to what I enjoy reading.

Slyce: You wrote a book titled “Legends Of Arthan- Resurrecting The Snake King”. What was this book about?

RCS: An ancient alien being is found during an archeological dig. The signs all point to this creature being the mythical god Ea. His high priest, another alien has waited thousands of years to be reunited with his king. Civilization, freedom, and every belief humans hold are at risk if this entity rises again. The scientists wager their lives to stop the mad priest from fulfilling his role.

Slyce: Is the book a series or a standalone?

RCS: I’ve planned this as a trilogy. The next book is tentatively called; The Rise of the Eagle and should be out by the end of this year.

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Rick Carter-Squire?

RCS: Besides the sequel to “Resurrecting the Snake King”, “Rise of the Eagle” is about half finished, and I’m working on another book with a working title of “White Powder”, but it has nothing to do with cocaine. A mysterious powder appears in several locations…at first. Anyone touching it becomes altered, their DNA changes, causing them to revert to the Stone Age ancestors we all evolved from. The origins of the powder, what’s spreading it, and how to reverse the symptoms falls on three unlikely people from vastly different backgrounds. For now, that’s all you get.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

RCS: Interviews make a difference, because you can’t always get enough information about a book from the cover. Sometimes, and this book is a perfect example, the whole story becomes clearer with each book or the author’s intent is a little cloudy. Doing an interview gives me and other authors a chance to meet the reading public and expand on the book blurb or give you a closer understanding of who we are as people.

Slyce: How important are reviews?

RCS: Reviews are the air we breathe, the food we eat, everything that sustains us and keeps us writing. How do you know you’ve had a good day at work? The boss gives you a pat on the back or you get a raise for all your hard work. Authors only know if we’ve succeeded when a review is posted (good or bad). Sure, it helps that reviews increase sales, but even the person that says they found a ton of mistakes is helping us to become better at what we do for you.

Slyce: What does the term “Building A Brand” mean?

RCS: I studied marketing and still can’t wrap my head around this. I know it means that authors are supposed to do everything they can to stay within a certain set of parameters regarding their work and their public life. Horror writers don’t usually change to romance, etc. and don’t post political opinions to their facebook page. It also means that everything you offer to the public is the best that you can give them. Consistency, I think.

Slyce: What steps are you taking in building your brand?

RCS: Honestly, I’m horrible at this and wish there was someone out there that would come and do all the marketing for me. Free of course. That isn’t going to happen so I’m working on building a brand and a following in baby steps. Facebook, other social media, occasional interviews, and more as time goes by.

Slyce: What does the phrase “Learn Your Craft” mean?

RCS: Learn to write. There are accepted styles, grammar, punctuation, and all of that thrown into a good story. The more I write, the better my stories become, the easier it is to see the mistakes, and that gives me the freedom to concentrate on telling my readers a tale they can become lost in… hopefully.

Slyce: What goals would you like to achieve as an author?

RCS: Originally, I thought writing a book would instantly make me a millionaire, but reality soon slapped that idea out of my head. Now, I want to be the author that everyone gives reviews, a success, perhaps a ‘best seller’, but that isn’t as important as people enjoying my stories.

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase this book?

RCS: All my books are available here.

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?

RCS: As I said before, I thought that once I published a book, the money would roll in and I could retire. The story is the reason I write now. It hurts my feelings when nobody buys them or doesn’t leave a review, but that’s like going to a party and nobody talks to you. Oh well, they lost an opportunity to meet the nicest, funniest, hardworking, man on the planet. I write now for the love of telling the story. In most cases, once I start, the characters harass me until I spend a few hours telling the reader what’s happening.

Slyce: What authors past and/or present influence you?

RCS: I’ve always been a fan of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, H. P. Lovecraft, but I’m willing to read almost anyone. Some other authors I enjoy are; Clive Custler, Michael Crichton, Edgar Alan Poe, George Martin, too many to count. The important thing all of these authors have in common, for me anyway, is that they tell a vivid story that I can lose myself in for a few hours. The words become images and from then on it is a movie in my brain.

Slyce: What authors would you love to work with?

RCS: Stephen King because he has a style that is easy to follow. Not a lot of flowers in his words and the situations are believable. Basically, any famous author would help me be better, that’s why reading is so helpful.

Slyce: What advice would you offer to those aspiring to become an author?

RCS: Read, everything, pay attention to how the authors string sentences together. Buy the book, “On Writing” by Stephen King. He isn’t telling you how to write horror, he’s giving you everything you need to know about being a writer. The process is never ending and always evolving with each book you write. But most important, write that first sentence. Don’t worry about how it sounds or the next or the next. Editing comes after you finish the first draft. Find a good editor. This could be a friend or someone you hire, but this is THE most important part of the craft. I have mistakes in this book (which will be fixed). Sometimes, I get lazy, so do editors, but with two sets of eyes most of them will be found.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

RCS: ‘Like’ my facebook page; RaCarterSquire
Or send me a message.
If anyone is interested in becoming a beta reader (someone who reads a copy and gives advice and/or finds mistakes), please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest Author Rick Carter-Squire for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my Brother. You were wonderful!!

Everyone please go purchase “Legends Of Arthan- Resurrecting The Snake King” by Rick Carter-Squire. Also, remember to check out his page on Facebook at: facebook icon.
