Meet Author Yyanna Michaels

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah, Author Yyanna Michaels to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my sistah :-). Are you ready?

Author Yyanna Michaels

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?

YM: What inspired me to be an author was during my junior high school into high school years, I needed an outlet to get my feelings and emotions out. Things at home were a mess so I turned to writing music which of course was a form of poetry. 

I was really good in English; taking creative writing classes, Honors English, and AP English. That is when I started taking stories and scenarios that were all cluttered in my head and typing them out. I would give these stories to close friends in school and they loved them and waited for add-ons to the stories.

I had found a way to release all that pent up stuff and creating my own world(s). It helped me in my final years of school to deal with the hurtful things I was experiencing.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

YM: The name of the publishing company I am signed to is Snow Publishing.

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

YM: The genre I have always felt drawn to was Romance but I am a big Fantasy lover so I have started to combine the two. BUT most of my stories is Black Romance. I usually lean towards experiences people can relate to.

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “MY MAN, YOUR MAN, OUR MAN”. What was this book about?

YM: “MY MAN, YOUR MAN, OUR MAN” is about a young woman, Samithia, falling in love with a man, Colden, who had not completely released his ties from a previous relationship. Something is was not truly aware of because he was not honest from the start. Something a lot of us have done or have fallen for at least once in our lives.
Not really realizing the damage he was causing, he continues with this until the ‘Ex’ returns and abruptly ends the relationship/friendship he developed with Samithia devastating her. 

Then the back and forth begins because he had always created a tie (has feelings) with Samithia and now.

Things get interesting from there.

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

YM: Yyanna Leigh Michaels is my pen name. I started developing the name in early 2000s.

Slyce: Is this book a stand alone or a series?

YM: Right now the book is an E-Book Standalone. I will look into print a bit later.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

YM: Interviews are important because it gives readers a chance to know more about the author who wrote the books they are reading , as well as, learn about upcoming projects and work. I will also add that it allows the author the personally promote themselves and hopefully develop a following.

Slyce: How important are reviews?

YM: I cannot stress the importance of reviews… CONSTRUCTIVE reviews. 
Reviews not only let other readers know how much you may or may not have enjoyed a book, it also helps the author by uplifting them, giving them confidence, letting them know what you would like to have read, what you may not have liked, and what improvements need to be made. 

Be mindful I stated ‘constructive’ reviews because like any work you are proud of and have put your all into, to have someone tear it down with the lack of empathy is hurtful. Let’s be kind but honest in our reviews. 

Trust that we want to please our audience. After all, the audience is what propels us further in this career choice.

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

YM: Building a brand means taking a passion of yours, your ‘baby’ and nurturing it…in other words you put in the work so that it will grow.
And that includes:
-Believing in yourself/in your writing
-Taking pride in your work
-promoting your work
-finding where your fanbase is
-researching what’s ‘in’ to be up to date in your work
-Engaging with your fans/audience (something I am still working on)
-And not giving up when things don’t move as quickly as you may like it.

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

YM: You have to be consistent when trying to build a successful brand.

Slyce: What goals would you like to achieve as an author?

YM: The goals I wish to achieve as an author is, plain and simple, entertain and hopefully I can get my storyline across as being relatable. Because we ALL go through stuff.

Slyce: What advice can you offer to those aspiring to become authors?

YM: The advice I can give those who aspire to become authors… take that first step with a pen and paper. Push through the doubts and fears and write your story. Let that trustworthy friend that has your back read it and critique it… then when you feel like you can open yourself up to more, let others read your work. 
Take a creative writing class, talk to an English teacher or major…
Learn to accept constructive criticism and improve.
Most of all don’t give up and do not let someone tell you that there is not an audience for what you enjoy writing because there is a story for everybody.

Slyce: Do you write for passion or profit?

YM: I have always written for passion and release. Shhh..
Don’t tell my publisher. LOL!
But honestly, I have written for the love of writing. Now getting paid for doing something that you love and is passionate about…now that is a bonus.

Slyce: Have you ever done blog talk radio?

YM: Now as for Blog Talk Radio… I have never had the pleasure. If the opportunity arises, I would gladly be a part.

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with.

YM: When I think of three authors that I would love to write with, it is hard to narrow that down at this time. I read so many wonderful stories, my brain just goes into overdrive about collaborating with the author but I will go to the next book and it starts all over again…lol. One day I will narrow it down.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

YM: If viewers would like to get in touch with me, they can reach me at:

  • Email: 
  • FB: Yyanna Michael’s
  • IG: @yyannaleigh

All of my books can be purchased as ebooks Amazon

All books I have written are:
A Hint of Desire 1 and 2
Hidden Secrets
My Man, Your Man, Our Man

Everyone, please go purchase, “MY MAN, YOUR MAN, OUR MAN” by Author Yyanna Michaels. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon .
