Meet Author Tamyra Griffin

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah Tamyra authorGriffin to “The Interrogation Room” !!! Welcome my sistah 🙂 . Are you ready?…

Slyce: What inspired you to become an Author?

TG: I’ve always had a passion for reading; which developed into writing poetry and then trying my hand at writing my first short story.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

TG:  My publishing company is True Glory Publications. Big love to Shameek A Speight and my True Glory Family.

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

TG: I consider myself an Urban Fiction writer who dabbles a little bit in erotica and suspense.

Slyce: Have you ever penned under another name?

TG: I’ve only written under my given name.

Slyce: You wrote a book titled “The Point Of It All”. What was this book about?

TG: “The Point of It All” is the Urban Love Story of Orchid and Damonte; and how their love can withstand anything….whether it be drama, haters or even death. Here is the link:

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase this book?

TG: “The Point Of It All” Series is available on Amazon.

Slyce: Is this book on e-book and/or paperback?

TG: The book is available as an E-Book and Paperback.

Slyce: What tools have you found most useful in distributing you material?

TG: Social Media most definitely. A supportive publishing family that allows me to flood their timelines; and of course networking and more networking. Oh and I can’t forget my family, co-workers and readers who have shared and suggested the books.

Slyce: What does the term “Building A Brand” means?

TG: Building the brand to me means establishing a recognizable level of quality as well as a strong support system and following behind it.

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

TG: I’m surrounding myself with an awesome, knowledgeable and supportive team. Continuing to improve at my craft and continue to do my part by putting out quality material and hopefully continue to soak up knowledge from my publisher and perhaps get into publishing as well.

Slyce: What does the phrase “Learn the Craft” mean?

TG: Humbling yourself and listening, even to criticism. Using every critique, suggestion and advice to become more skilled at what you do.

Slyce: Name three Authors you’d love to work with?

TG: Of course Shameek A Speight; Wahida Clark and Omar Tyree.

Slyce: What goals do you wish to achieve as an Author?

TG: First and foremost, to be the best author I can be; expand my knowledge. I also want to have a #1 best seller. Eventually have my own publication company and be able to give opportunities to aspiring authors, just as I was given an opportunity.

Slyce: Do you think it’s important for a new Author to have a “Team”?

TG: I absolutely do. There’s a lot more that needs to be then just writing. You need to market, network, hustle and at times it can be overwhelming for one person.

Slyce: What was one of your biggest mistake you made as a “New Author”?

TG: Thinking my books were going to sell themselves. Of course you’ll have some that will by your book, especially if they support your publishing family. However, you have to put yourself out there, network, mingle and push your product. I’m a lil shy, so it took my best friend/marketer constantly harassing me to get it in gear.

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Tamyra Griffin?

TG: Of course! I actually had a book release yesterday called Fictional Love. I’m working on the first of a suspense series and then i’ll be working on “The Point of It All” 4.

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?

TG: Profit is always a good thing, but the thing that drives me is my passion for writing.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

TG: I’m on Facebook – Author Tamyra Griffin. Instagram – @authortlg and I can be reached via email –

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest Tamyra Griffin for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my Sistah 🙂 You were wonderful!!

Everyone please go purchase “The Point Of It All” by Tamyra Griffin. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon



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