Meet Author Storytellah

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our brother, Author Storytellah to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my brother:-). Are you ready?

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?Author Storytellah

Storytellah: Been writing before I knew the definition of inspiration,,,,

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

Storytellah: Underground Publications

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

Storytellah: All genres….one day I will pattern the term crossover fiction writer…

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

Storytellah: Just Charles Burgess and Storytellah.

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “Runnin’ Child Running Wild”. What was this book about?

Storytellah: This story is about a young girl who was being raised by two addicted parents, after her mother kills her father she becomes a ward of the state where she meets this white girl named Brooke who is very street smart and teaches young Amaya the ropes of life.

Slyce: How did you come up with this title?

Storytellah: I started this particular book several years ago, the original title was Fe/males which didn’t grow on me, so i change the name to this….new title.

Slyce: Did you have any input on the cover design?

Storytellah: I did say it was a final go…the old title had a different cover, but this one worked…it was the first time I used this designer.

Slyce: In what city does this story take place?

Storytellah: Starts in my city, Milwaukee Wisconsin and ends in Washington D.C.

Slyce: Name two of the main characters

Storytellah: This book is based off main characters not many throw in….but Amaya and Brooke and She’rine are the main girls.

Slyce: What is the tile of your first published book?

Storytellah: Homies back in 2004

Slyce: How many books have you penned to date?

Storytellah: I’ve lost count off the top of my head….specially if I’m including the ghostwritten project.

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

Storytellah: Marketing yourself to become known to those who are prevalent to what your doing.

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

Storytellah: Just market me, stay away from things that don’t make sense, and give God the glory for the talent he blessed with me.

Slyce: What advice can you offer those aspiring to become an author?

Storytellah: I don’t really give too much advice because no two people’s dream are the same…I sometimes try to assist where I can….

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?

Storytellah: All the p’s…..

Slyce: What authors past and/or present had an influence on you?

Storytellah: Three of the biggest were Zane, Sydney Sheldon, and James Patterson…

Slyce: Do you feel a new author should have a team?

Storytellah: Of course…a team is always good.

Slyce: What does the phrase, “Learn The Craft” mean?

Storytellah: I first started paying attention to this term, when I would watch Treasure Blue spit game about the book game….it means what it says, Learn the craft and grow each day.

Slyce: How has the industry changed?

Storytellah: Badly….lol….but seems to be coming back around.

Slyce: What are your thoughts on the .99 cent book?

Storytellah: I have a few older pieces on line for 99 cents, but I think overall people use it as a competition tool…to sell more copies, but the price of covers, and editing if you use a professional cost…at 99 cent with amazon taking a percentage your break even point is a stretch.

Slyce: What are your thoughts on “Author Beef”?

Storytellah: Ridiculous ….bottom line….I don’t want to have to go have heart surgery and both the doctors beefing….we need to stop.

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your book?

Storytellah: Amazon and for paperbacks you can find me on a website called Printcuda.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

Storytellah: Like Commissioner Gordon contacted Batman, flash a book in the sky, I’m coming….(smile)…… and right here on Facebook

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest, Author Storytellah for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my brother. You were wonderful!!

Everyone, please go purchase, “Runnin’ Child Running Wild” by Author Storytellah. Also, remember to check out his page on Facebook at: facebook icon.


Runnin' Child Running Wild