Meet Author Octavia Grant

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah, Author Octavia Grant to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my sistah :-).  Are you ready?

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?Author Octavia Grant

OG: When I was a sophomore, I wrote a short story called The Hyenas Laugh. It was my first time ever writing anything, so I took my time and made sure it was up to par. My teacher submitted the piece and I won a literary award along with a Pizza Hut gift certificate, lol. I’ve been writing ever since.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

OG: True Glory Publications

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

OG: Urban Literature

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

OG: No I haven’t. I thought about using a pseudonym, but changed my mind.

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “Pregnant By My Daughters Boyfriend”. What was this book about?

OG: Yes, I did. It’s about revenge gone wrong. Patrice Mahoney, dedicated housewife and mother is bored with her stale life and her husband, Judge Adam Mahoney. She sticks with him because of the lifestyle he provides. When her daughter, Melrose becomes engaged and she meets her future in laws, she realizes that they are her former best friend and ex boyfriend. As thoughts of how they betrayed her plays in her head, she realizes the only way to get them back is to date their son. Her daughters fiancé.

Slyce: Is this book a stand alone or a series?

OG: It is a part of a series. Part 2 is available and I’m currently working on the finale.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

OG: Interviews are very important to me. It lets me know that my readers are curious about me and my work.

Slyce: How important are reviews?

OG: VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!! I appreciate all my reviews. Whether it’s good or bad. My Goal is to keep my readers happy and entertained. Reviews let me know if I need to change or add anything.

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

OG: To me building a brand is establishing one self so that others know who you are. Knowing ones worth based solely on their name.

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

OG: Along with putting out quality work and marketing, I also like to interact with my readers via social media.

Slyce: What goals would you like to achieve as an author?

OG: My ultimate goal is to have my work turned into movies. After hearing how lively my books sound on audio, I could only imagine what it would be like to see it come to life.

Slyce: What advice would you like to share with aspiring authors?

OG: DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED AND DO NOT GIVE UP. Before I became published, I submitted manuscripts to over 30 publishers, only to hear ‘it’s not what we’re looking for at this time’. I did not give up. I continued doing what I love and it finally paid off.

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Octavia Grant?

OG: Oh of course. I have so many ideas running through my head. You’ll have to stay tuned for the roller coaster ride of craziness that I have in store.

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?

OG: Both. Writing is a passion of mine, but it’s an amazing feeling knowing that I am compensated for sharing my thoughts with the world.

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with.

OG: K’wan Foye, Niobia Bryant, and if it were possible, The Late Iceberg Slim.

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your book?

OG: eBooks and paperbacks can be purchased on Amazon. Audio books can be purchased on Audible.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

OG: Readers can reach me via social media.

  • Facebook: Octavia Taneka Grant or Octavia the Pen
  • FB Like Page: Octavia Grant
  • Instagram: Otaneka
  • Twitter: @octaviathepen

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest, Author Octavia Grant for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my sistah. You were wonderful!!

Everyone, please go purchase, “Pregnant By My Daughters Boyfriend” by Author Octavia Grant. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon.


Pregnant By My Daughters Boyfriend