Meet Author Max Isreal

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our brother, Author Max Isreal to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my brother:-). Are you ready?

Author Max Isreal

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?

MI: I’ve always had the passion to be a writer ever since, I was young. I went a high school for Journalism and later went to College for Mass Communications. I also use to write short stories and raps growing up. So the art of writing and becoming an Author was always in me.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

MI: i$ReaL Publishing

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

MI: Murder, Mystery, Urban, Suspense, Romance, Thriller

Slyce: Have you ever penned under another name?

MI: No!

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “Punk Ass Chauncey”. What was this book about?

MI: The story is about a young hustler names Bates. Who is ready to leave the drug game, but his uncle don’t want him to go. In the midst of furnishing his uncle wishes to stay, a lot of truth is starting to unfold about the death of his father.

Bates has to make crucial decisions and choose adequately. Its either your a friend or a foe in PUNK ASS CHAUNCEY.

Slyce: Is this book a stand alone or a series?

MI: Well I don’t want to give the book away ………

How about this, the answer is at the end of the LAST CHAPTER……LMAO!

Slyce: Is this book an audio, eBook and/or paperback?

MI: Currently eBook and paperbacks are available, we are working on audio pretty soon.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

MI: Interviews are important in marketing and relating to your readers.

Readers gets better sense of feeling when they know the style of the writer.

Actually comes from his everyday style.

Slyce: How important are reviews?

MI: Review are my everything. I need to know if the readers like my style of writing.

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

MI: A system of producing marketing and promotion strategies to give a business an avenue to its target market.

Building a brand gives the target market and up close and personal connection with the brand it so love.

That’s just my understanding of building my brand.

Readers hit me up, tell me what y’all think?

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?


Slyce: What advice can you offer to those aspiring to become Authors?

MI: Don’t sign those foolish contracts these foogazi publishing companies putting in your face. At the end of the day, your losing and they are gaining what you worked hard for.

Slyce: What goals do you wish to achieve as an author?

MI: I want to venture off into screenplays and script writing.

I promised myself 20 novels and its over, so I guess I have 18 more to go. LOL!

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Max Isreal?

MI: Right now I’m just focused on this project. And marketing and promoting it to the best of my ability.

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with.

MI: I’ve already work with Author Hood Chronicles, so I can’t mention him.

Slyce: Have you done blog talk/podcast radio?

MI: NO! but I look forward to it

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your books?

MI: Amazon

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

MI: Hit me on Facebook; Author Max IsReaL Or on instagram; Mr_maxisreal

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest, Author Max Isreal for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my brother. You were wonderful!!

Everyone, please go purchase, “Punk Ass Chauncey” by Author Max Isreal. Also, remember to check out his page on Facebook at: facebook icon .


Punk Ass Chauncey