Meet Author Lasandra King

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah, Author Lasandra King to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my sistah :-). Are you ready?

Author Lasandra King

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?

LK: First I would say my mom because she loved to read and she got me into reading but I was in the 10th grade and my English teacher had us write a nightmare th@at we have or had before. And I wrote about a recurring dream that I had been having and she told me that I have vivid imagination and and my story was great. And ever since then I just wrote and I love to read it just fell hand in hand.

Slyce: Have you ever penned under another name?

LK: No I have not. I wanted to when I first signed but my name, it just fits.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

LK: I write under Leo Sullivan Presents and I thank him for giving me the opportunity to show what I can do.

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

LK: Urban fiction/romance

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “Nino And Jazz”. What was this book about?

LK: Funny story, I was trying to come up with a title and my kids, they are my biggest supporters and I told them and I told them that I would write about about them. Jazz is short for my daughter’s name Jasmine and Nino is her boyfriends nickname and it just sort of stuck.

Nino and Jazz met at one point and just clicked. It was just that instant attraction between them. Five yrs later and the attraction is still there. From the time they made it official between them, people were out to get them, trying to kill them, to get what they worked hard for. People that they trusted like family, turned their life upside down. But being who they are, they didn’t go down without a fight and you have their bestfriends, Grip and Nique, who was right there with them. You fall in love with these characters and you wonder how they survive everything. It’s a little twist in there concerning Nino and his dad. Everything was out to the test for Nino and Jazz. 

Slyce: Is this and eBook and/or paperback

LK: Right now it is only eBook. I’m working on putting it in paperback.

Slyce: Is this a stand-alone or a series?

LK: It is a series parts 1 & 2 are out and mad crazy response from them both and right now maybe there might be a part 3 coming. 

Slyce: How important are interviews?

LK: Interview are very important. But only do they help you get yourself out there, to promote your work and upcoming projects, it let’s people get to know you and not just as an author. Writing is what you do and interviews let them know who you are.

Slyce: What does the term building a brand mean?

LK: That brand is me. I have to market myself. I want people to know me. 

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

LK: I want people to know me. I want people to know my work. I have to market myself, post my work, share my books to make sure they are available to everyone. 

Slyce: What goals do you wish to achieve as an author?

LK: My goal is just to keep continue to do what I love and that’s write. Nino and Jazz hit the top 25 its debut release and I am proud of myself. I would love to have one of my books hit the #1 spot but I will get there

Slyce: What advice can you offer to those aspiring to become authors?

LK: Never ever give up. If writing is what you want to, what you love give it all you got. It took me a whole to get to where I’m at now because I always pushed my writing to the back to take of my kids but when my mom passed I just went for it. My mom was and still is my inspiration. Never ever give up on your dream. It is a slow process but it will be well worth it in the end.

Slyce: Do you write for passion or profit?

LK: Passion all day long. I love to write. Making profit is great but writing is what I love

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with

LK: Antoinette Keisha Koon, Sym English 

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Lasandra King?

LK: Right now I am currently waiting on a release date for my very first standalone going to drop this month. I also am working on 2 more books going to be out next month as well.

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your books?

LK: As of right now all my books are available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?


  • On Facebook — LaSandra King 
  • Instagram — SweetandSexy
  • my emails 

Either one I am always available

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest, Author Lasandra King for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my sistah. You were wonderful!!

Everyone, please go purchase, “Nino And Jazz” by Author Lasandra King. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon .


Nino And Jazz