Meet Author Michelamonè Henderson, M.Ed

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah, Author Michelamonè Henderson, M.Ed to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my sistah :-). Are you ready?

Author Michelamone' Henderson

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?

MH: I have been writing since I was a little girl. I believe it’s in my DNA. My mother would scribe her thoughts all the time. On napkins, paper bags, note cards and journals and I found myself doing the same. So I guess you can say it’s how I’m wired.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

MH: I self-published through my corporation, The Core Woman. 

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

MH: I am a Non-Fiction writer. I deal with real-life stuff that concerns women. But it doesn’t mean I write always about MY real-life stuff. Lol!

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

MH: Lol! That’s a loaded question. Because my story is that I’ve been married and divorced 4 times. So I guess you could say that. But not an alias if you will

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “Rejection Saved My Life”. What was this book about?

MH: “Rejection Saved My Life” is a memoir and a self-help book based off proven keys and strategies that help use rejection for good. It encompasses the trials and challenges I’ve encountered with rejection. From the abandonment from my mother to the 4 failed marriages and 4 successful divorces. With the last one designed to take me out emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Because I found out he was living a life of lies and deceit resulting in HIV. It shows how I became attracted to rejection, how it broke me and how it saved my life. It also shows the reader how to use rejection for F.U.E.L. (Faith Upgraded to Exponential Levels).

Slyce: Is this book a stand alone or a series?

MH: Well according to the typical series standards, it is not a series in that sense. Not like Rejection Saved My Life Vol. 1, 2, or 3. But since I’m always pushing the envelope, I would say it’s a series on overcoming the status QUO. As there will be more books on taking a negative and turning it around for benefit and gain. So, in that sense. Yes, it is a series.

Slyce: Is this book an eBook or paperback?

MH: It is both. You can find Rejection Saved My Life on Amazon Kindle and in paperback form on Amazon.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

MH: Interviews are very important because it gives insight on the author. I believe there will always be quirks and nuances that an author can only show in an interview. It shows the audience things about the author that the book may not. It gives the audience an inside view of the authors mindset, their heart and a peep into their soul. 

Slyce: How important are reviews?

MH: I believe as an author if I didn’t want people’s opinions…The I should have never written and published a book. So, I love reviews! I believe it turns the book into a two-way conversation. So instead of the author just getting to say what they wanted, they can then communicate with the reader. It creates dialogue. Dialogue is the premise of a true relationship. An author should always desire to create relationships with the reader. I am a speaker as well, so I had a gentleman come up after my talk and say, wow, your story is amazing… but you probably should have left out the “personal” stuff. I smiled gracefully at him and said, I think it’s a little too late, because everything I said is in the book. LOL!!! I am VERY transparent, and I always have been. That could make people a little uncomfortable, but an interview can be a buffer for those that can’t take the stories in their face. 

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

MH: To me, building a brand means to put your uniqueness front and center for the world to see, so you can make your mark that would last generations to come. To let the world know you are here and were here long after you’re not. 

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

MH: The FIRST step I took in building my brand is establishing WHO I am internally by loving myself. Once I did that and created the me that doesn’t lean right or left because the wind blew, I then started to create what I wanted to show the world. I make sure that who I am in public is who I am in private. My brand is Michelamonè, The Core Woman… Unique and true to myself. So, to answer your question directly, the steps I took and am taking is loving me first and staying true to that. Everything else follows suit. But of course, for those that are detailed oriented, I had to first invest in myself, financially, mentally, spiritually physically and through education. I hired a few coaches to coach me from once place to my desired place of destination. In a nut shell again, holistically investing in ME, because I am my brand. 

Slyce: What goals would you like to achieve as an author?

MH: I have a desire and goal to be a New York Times best-selling author and to be noted to have created works that not only spark every emotion of my readers. Because emotions provoke change. But to empower them to greatness. To find their purpose and live it out loud. 

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Michelamonè Henderson, M.Ed?

MH: Of course. I have 2 more books I’m working on that will be out this year. I’m going to be highlighting and transposing what we believe to be true to show how we can work the negative in our favor. Shhh… Can’t tell you the titles yet. LOL! But I can say this. These books are going to make people think twice about applying negative words and stigmas on women. Because I will make it into art. Lol! I will be going on a 5-city tour after my Official Launch on February 24, 2019 at Deja Hue Sip and Paint Studio located at 10505 S. Western Ave in Chicago. I am also an award winning speaker and the CEO and Founder of The Core Woman Academy where I help women discover who they are, surpass their limitations, drop the baggage of past hurts and disappointments and create the lives they deserve and desire. I have a new class starting February 8th. They can inbox me for details.

Slyce: What advice can you offer to those aspiring to become authors?

MH: I would advise aspiring authors to create in excellence. Not perfection, but in excellence. To be true to WHO they are so they can ultimately share that authenticity with the world. Absorb everything you can about your genre, publishing and authorship. Because I’ve heard some horror stories about how voices were stifled or shifted because of the house they were under. Be aware and READ everything you sign.

Slyce: Do you write for passion or profit?

MH: I write because it’s a passion. It’s a part of WHO I am. When passion is illuminated, profit follows.

Slyce: Have you ever done blog talk radio?

MH: I have been on several Blog Talk Radio shows, but I have not done my own show. Although, there is something cooking with me doing a monthly live podcast. So, keep watch for that. 

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with.

MH: WOW! That’s a good question. Honestly, I’ve never thought of that. So, I will have to say, I wouldn’t mind collaborating with other authors. But I don’t have any in mind as of now. 

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your book?

MH: You can find it on Amazon Kindle and Amazon Books. You can also go to my site Or if you are in Chicago, meet me next month at the launch as well as keep track of my social media for a city near them. Also, I will be giving a FREE download of the book for 24 hours on this Friday February 1, 2019. So follow me to get access to that.

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

MH: I can be found on all social media platforms. I’m on IG, LinkedIn and Facebook @TheCoreWoman, Twitter @IAMMichelamone or visit my website.  And if you don’t mind, I would like to leave your readers with a FREE gift by having them visit Thank you so much for inviting me into the Interrogation Room. It wasn’t as scary as I thought. LOL! You’re an AMAZING Interrogator

Everyone, please go purchase, “Rejection Saved My Life” by Author Michelamonè Henderson, M.Ed. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon .


Rejection Saved My Life