Meet Author Lakisha Johnson

Slyce: Brothers and Sistah’s, please welcome our sistah, Author Lakisha Johnson to “The Interrogation Room”!! Welcome my sistah :-). Are you ready?

Slyce: What inspired you to become an author?Author Lakisha Johnson

LJ: To be honest, I never set out to be an author. I have always written things like poems and such but not books. Until one night, sitting at home laughing at some pictures of my friends, I started to write my first books (using their personalities as fuel) and the rest is history. LOL.

Slyce: What is the name of your publishing company?

LJ: Twins Write 2. Named after me and my twin sister (after we published a book together titled, The Family that Lies.) I held a contest for friends and family to name my reading group and this name was given by one of my friends. It stuck with me so I decided to use it as my publishing company.

Slyce: In what genre do you write?

LJ: Right now, I have written in Christian Fiction, Mystery & Suspense, Women’s Fiction and Erotica.

Slyce: Have you penned under another name?

LJ: Nope, just my name. I don’t need anything else to remember. 😂

Slyce: You wrote a book titled, “The Forgotten Wife”. What was this book about?

LJ: This book is about Rylee, a wife who feels as if her husband Todd, has forgotten her because he has allowed his business to overshadow his responsibilities as a husband. It is my first, “full” mystery/suspense book as there are some twists and turns that begin when Rylee starts to receive emails from someone she doesn’t know. The emails say they are coming from a man who needs advice on how to fix his marriage but this may not be the case. You will have to read to see what happens.

Slyce: Is this book a stand alone or a series?

LJ: This is a standalone. My last few releases have been standalones, only because I don’t like releasing series unless I know for sure I can have both books done within a reasonable amount of time. And with everything I have going on, I will not commit myself to that and then have the readers waiting.

Slyce: How important are interviews?

LJ: To me, interviews are very important because they give readers a chance to get to know the author behind. And it also gives the author an opportunity to gain new readers. So I’d say it is a win for both.

Slyce: How important are reviews?

LJ: Reviews are important (to me) because they show me my strengths and weaknesses. Don’t get me wrong, I used to get in my feelings when I’d get a bad review but now I embrace them as criticism to make me better with each book release. And, I have learned that not every book will be for everybody.

Slyce: What does the term, “Building a Brand” mean?

LJ: Building a brand. Hmm, this is a great question. Building a brand is the public persona of who you are. And no matter how many authors there are, you are set apart by your brand. It is your TRADEMARK. Is it important? Heck yes because your brand is the first thing people see and let’s be honest, judge. They don’t see you as a person, unless they know you personally but they see your brand.

Slyce: What steps are you taking to build your brand?

LJ: I make sure I am who I am at all times. I want people to know Lakisha and not someone I pretend to be. What you see on social media is who I am. I ensure it stays that way but portraying the best of me at all times. I also make sure I only release quality books and sometimes it takes longer than most authors and I am okay with that.

Slyce: What goals would you like to achieve as an author?

LJ: One of my biggest goals is for every book to have a message. Another one is to have at least 8 books released this year. Another one is to get to One Million pages read in Kindle Unlimited and grab one of those All Star Awards from Amazon.

Slyce: What advice can you offer those aspiring to become an author?

LJ: Don’t ever let the ink run out in your pen. I see authors who get burned out by the lack of support and profit but stay the course. And whatever you do, DON’T measure your success by someone else.

Slyce: Is there anything else cooking in the lab for Author Lakisha Johnson?

LJ: Yes, I am currently working on a project with another author friend as well as compiling the short stories that I have written in my Reader’s Group into a book.

Slyce: Do you write for the passion or the profit?

LJ: Strictly for the passion as it has not always generated a profit.

Slyce: Name three authors you’d love to work with.

LJ: I work with BM Hardin as she has been a great help. Stacey Covington-Lee, she is a great storyteller. My third pick is actually someone I am currently working with, another great author, Khara Campbell.

Slyce: Have you done blog talk radio?

LJ: Yes, I have done a few and I enjoy them. I hope to do more in the future

Slyce: Where can our viewers purchase your book?

LJ: Through Amazon. You can find all things Lakisha there.

Slyce: Is your book an eBook and/or paperback?

LJ: It is available on both through amazon

Slyce: How can our viewers contact you?

LJ: I am on most social media platforms. Facebook (Lakisha Johnson or Author Lakisha), Instagram (Kishajohnson), Twitter (_kishajohnson) and SnapChat (authorlakisha)

Slyce: I’d like to thank guest, Author Lakisha Johnson for joining us in “The Interrogation Room”!! Thank you my sistah. You were wonderful!!

Everyone, please go purchase, “The Forgotten Wife” by Author Lakisha Johnson. Also, remember to check out her page on Facebook at: facebook icon.


The Forgotten Wife